With the development of time and technology, the current layers of society are generally equipped with digital media to support various activities and work. One of the digital media frequently used by the community is the mobile phone. This device is connected to the Internet, where we can easily obtain information on a large scale.

When information is disseminated on platforms or social media, there is a tendency to believe it immediately without questioning the truth or conducting cross-checking first. This tendency becomes even more pronounced during the pre-election period. This phenomenon is exacerbated by intentionally edited or falsely disseminated information with specific purposes, leading to conflicts unintentionally.

In the pre-election atmosphere, as the flow of information increases, the need for intelligence in evaluating information becomes crucial. The pre-election period often becomes vulnerable to the spread of invalid information or hoaxes.

The importance of intelligence in sorting information becomes more urgent in this context. Most of the population, especially those actively using digital media, is vulnerable to unverified information, especially on social platforms that facilitate the rapid spread of information.

This indicates that despite having very broad access to information, critical skills in sorting and evaluating information remain a weakness for some digital media users.

However, not everyone possesses sufficient skills or awareness in sorting information. Critical skills in evaluating and understanding the validity of information still remain a weakness for the majority of digital media users. They tend to be influenced by interesting information without cross-checking first.

Facing this challenge, an educational approach through interactive media, such as educational games, becomes an interesting solution. Games can be an effective tool to help improve skills in sorting information. By presenting realistic situations and challenging players to test the truth of information, games can provide enjoyable and beneficial learning experiences.

Of course, events like these need to be prevented from getting worse, and one solution that can be implemented is interactive media in the form of educational games.

Thus, the development of a game like "Uncovering The Truth," focusing on elections and anti-hoax efforts, can be a strategic step to enhance public information literacy. This game can be designed to simulate election situations, where players are confronted with various widely spread information in digital media. Players are then required to fact-check, cross-check, and evaluate the credibility of information before making decisions or further disseminating information.

©Mengindo Aja - 2023
The game is in the development stage. Ready for use on January 27, 2024.

#game #indiegame #visualnovel #unity #mobilegame


Uncovering the Truth V 1.2 Beta.apk 36 MB

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